Renovated partnership with TechLabs Rotterdam in 2023

Author: Giuseppina Schiavone SAAC’s mission is to facilitate organizations’ transparency and accountability through strategic exploitation of data and advanced analytics. As part of our services portfolio (i) we help organizations setting up the appropriate data architecture and data models for compliance with European Sustainability Reporting Standards and Sustainable Development Goals, (ii) we advise on Data-Driven […]
Topsector Logistiek Festival at the Feyenoord Stadium, De Kuip

Author: Giuseppina Schiavone On Monday afternoon, the 11th of September 2023, my first time at the Feijenoord de Kuip Stadion and it was not for a football match but for the Topsector Logistiek Festival, organized by Topsector Logistiek and TKI DINALOG . The festival covered several topics such as energy transition, resilience and predictability, people, […]
Insights from TechLabs’ ChatGPT workshop

Author: Giuseppina Schiavone “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”, this was the incredibly catchy title of the workshop on ChatGPT organized by TechLabs Rotterdam on the 20th of April 2023. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot developed by OpenAI and released in November 2022. ChatGPT falls under the umbrella of Generative AI, or AI tools used to generate original text, […]
Partnership with NL AIC

Author: Giuseppina Schiavone On the 22nd of February 2023, SAAC joined De Nederlandse AI Coalitie (NL AIC), the Dutch AI Coalition. Through the NL AIC, we expect to develop interesting and innovative cooperations with other players in sustainability analytics, thereby helping organizations to become more sustainable and compliant to the European legislations on Sustainability Reporting. […]
SAAC meets the Entrepreneurship Club Polimi Italy

Author: Giuseppina Schiavone I was glad to accept the invitation of Andreea Moga to give a talk for the community of students of the Enterpreneurship Club Polimi and introduce them to SAAC mission of helping companies in demonstrating transparency and accountability through the strategic use of data. The gathering took place at the CIC Rotterdam […]
Partnership with TechLabs Rotterdam

Author: Giuseppina Schiavone TechLabs is non-profit organization started in 2017 in Münster, Germany, and currently having multiple locations across the globe. TechLabs represents both a learning platform and a tech community, its objective is to fastening the acquisition of digital technology skills to stay creative and prepared in a job market where individuals could be soon displaced […]